Image: www.git-scm.com
For local branch:
First select the branch that you want to rename:
git checkout old_name
Replace the old_name branch with the new_name branch:
git branch -m new_name
Another way to rename the local branch is to define the old_name branch and new_name branch at once. For this first checkout the master branch:
git checkout master
Now, rename the branch with the following command:
git branch -m old_name new_name
For remote branch:
Remote branch cannot be renamed directly. We need to first delete the old remote branch and push a new branch to the remote repository.
Rename the local branch by following the above steps.
Delete the old branch from the repository and push the new branch.
git push origin --delete old_name
Reset the upstream branch for the local branch:
git push origin -u new_name
Another way to do the above steps directly is:
git push origin :old_name new_name
git push origin -u new_name